Passages Ventura

Rating: 4.0   (5)


Passages Ventura located at 224 E Clara St in Port Hueneme, California, is a rehabilitation center that helps those who are seeking assistance for alcohol and drug addiction. Passages Ventura provides addicts of the ages 18+ with professional addiction treatment as well as counseling and guidance in order to ensure their success in recovery. With the assistance of addiction advisors and therapists, addicts will have the opportunity to live a life that is free of substance abuse.

The overarching goal of the various treatment programs at Passages Ventura is to supply patients with the necessary treatment that will allow for a full recovery. With some of the most effective treatment methods available, patients will have the best chance of obtaining a sustained substance-free life. Through crafting a personalized treatment program that is based on the individual's unique addiction, recovery can be obtained. In as little as 90-days, patients who attend Passages Ventura can be free of the addiction that has controlled their lives. It's time to get the necessary help needed in order to overcome drug and alcohol abuse and substance dependency.

Since each individual's addiction is unique, a personalized approach to addiction care is needed and that is exactly what Passages Ventura offers. Through adopting vital coping skills and trigger management mechanisms, addicts will gain the knowledge necessary in order to reenter society with a positive mindset. This is the foundation for a future that is free of substance abuse.

Many addicts choose the route of tackling addiction on their own. While this may seem like a good idea, addiction is so much more than just a bad habit or lack of willpower. Addiction is a progressive, mental disease that requires professional medical attention, detox, and intense treatment in order to overcome.

Those who are dependent on drugs, alcohol, or other addictive substances, as well as those who find themselves indulging in addictive tendencies, should contact Passages Ventura in Port Hueneme, California now. This will allow addicts to learn how quality treatment can help them regain control of their lives and the freedom lost to addiction. By receiving effective treatment such as behavioral counseling, therapy, and relapse prevention, patients can feel content and fulfilled once again. Visit Passages Ventura online today at

Contact Details

224 E Clara StPort HuenemeCalifornia  93041

Google Reviews

  5.0   3 years ago

Best rehab ever! I've been to 6 in last 3 yrs and this by far is the best program and staff that I have seen. You get 4 therapists(psycho,hypno,spiritual, chem dependency, plus psychiatrist and personal trainer! Wish i could live here.

  5.0   4 years ago

It's the best place for treatment.

  3.0   4 years ago

I went to this facility in the last part of 2017 and had wonderful experience, facilty is nice, not luxurious but very comfortable and the food was excellant. The staff was caring and attentative, and I had the best therapy sessions here. Unfortunately due to some concerns that needed to be addressed back in my home state, and the Christams holidays, I only finshed their 30 day program and was not able to do the follow up 60 day program. I wish I had been able to as I was not really prepared to come back home when I did, and ended up relasping and severely so this past few days...I just tried to see if I could come back and do a 90 day program, unfortunatley my insurance will only pay $21,000 and they require another $7000, of which I have $3500 in cash avalibale to pay them, and they will not take me or make arrangements for me to pay the remianing $3500. I really feel depressed as I really want help and believe in this place and feel they can help me. But it appers the old mighty dollar is more important than a person's sad....I would be giving this facilty 5 stars if they were more compassonate, and willing to work with someone who they already know and and praised while I was there for my progress. Just wanted to share an honest assesment and hope there are facilities out there that would offer great service and not make $3500, which I could pay in a month's time, the reason a person in need does not get help....Thanks for listening, Edgar

  4.0   4 years ago

A friend who had gone and sent many friends to Passages through his family's trust generously offered to send me there for 3 months. My stay isn't as usual as others since it was payed for without insurance - while most insurances pay for a month and Passages works like hell to make sure you stay as long as you can. I came after a doctor put me on suboxone for depression. I had been taking this drug seven years. It had reduced my life to nothing. I was terrified of rehab because I refused to do anything but a slow taper. The staff worked with me very well. The nurses were not only our nurses but little therapists in their own right and our cheerleaders. The staff had a very hard time with me waking up but were always very kind. You could go to them with everything. The doctors, hypnotherapists, psychologists and addiction counselors are top notch. (I know because I have seen many in my life.) I also met so many amazing people and did amazing things. My taper went comfortably and I am clean.

  5.0   5 years ago

After 3+ weeks in another rehab, I was transferred to "higher level of care" facility in California. When I arrived at house, was shocked to have no medical personnel present. Facilty appeared to be a poorly run halfway house. Scared & feeling vunerable, I went to local hotel. The next day I was on phone with insurance company and numerous facilities. Fortunately, Passages Ventura quickly verified benefits, accepted me as a client & sent a driver to pick me up. I am delighted with the program here. Immediately, I was treated with dignity and respect. The staff learned it was my birthday & presented me with an impromptu desert. They went above board to create an environment conducive for healing. In less than a week, I have had 5 individual therapy sessions, met at length with attending physician, had numerous group sessions including relapse prevention, meditation groups, stretching, working with physical trainer in gym, etc. The food is prepared by talented chefs who are available to meet specific client needs. From my experience so far as a client & a RN for 35 yrs, I believe Passages Ventura is an excellent model for substance misuse treatment in our country. I am grateful to be here.

  5.0   10 years ago

I absolutely love this place and all the amazing therapists that work here. I checked in a year ago with a major drug and alcohol dependency, and graduated feeling a sense of hope and renewal. Now I am completely sober thanks to the wonderful people at Passages. Sobriety has not been an easy road, but with the help of Passages and all of the great people that I have met there and still keep in contact with, I have managed to stay clean for one year. I highly recommend this treatment center to anyone who is struggling with addiction.

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